Plates and bowls, two familiar household items that shape our dining experience each day. They seem drastically different yet have similar functions. An exploration into the world of plates and bowls reveals some interesting insights.


Plates, flat and usually round, have been around for centuries. The earliest known plates were used by our prehistoric ancestors and were likely made from wood or stone. Today, they are made of materials like porcelain, glass, and stoneware. Plates are typically reserved for main courses because their design is ideal for food items that do not contain a lot of liquid, like a steak or sandwich.

The aesthetics and quality of plates vary dramatically. You may choose from a myriad of designs, shapes, and colors. Some prefer plain, minimalist plates, while others may opt for intricately-patterned designs. One may also consider the weight and thickness of a plate. A heavier, thicker plate often denotes higher quality, while lighter plates are easier to handle, especially for children.


Bowls, on the other hand, have a concave structure, making them the chosen vessel for serving soups, cereals, and dishes with lots of sauce. The earliest bowls date back to around 5000 BC and were made from varied materials such as clay, wood, and stone. Modern bowls are typically made from the same materials as plates — ceramic, porcelain, glass, or stoneware.

Bowls, like plates, also come in a vast array of designs. Bowls with wider rims are great for serving broths, while deeper bowls serve well for dishes with a lot of components like salads or stir fry. There are also generously-sized bowls, perfect for the current “bowl meal” trend where grains, proteins, and vegetables are served together in a single bowl.

The Great Debate: Plates vs. Bowls

Plates or bowls, which is superior? The answer, of course, is dependent on personal preference and the type of meal. As a rule, plates are excellent for showcasing food and creating artistic presentations due to their flat layout. In contrast, bowls allow for a compact, comforting eating experience, where all the components of your food interact with each other harmoniously.

There’s also the social context to consider. In many western cultures, it’s typical to have a plate for the main course and a smaller bowl for soups or desserts. Contrastingly, in many Asian cultures, bowls are used as the primary dining vessel, accommodating everything from rice to noodles, to full meals in a bowl.

The Impact of Modern Technology

Just as the designs of plates and bowls have evolved over time, so too have our cooking appliances. One such innovative appliance is the air fryer. This amazing gadget uses hot air to cook food, making it a healthier alternative to deep frying. The air fryer price online is quite affordable and varies depending on the brand, size, and additional features.

With its versatility, you can cook a multitude of dishes which can be beautifully served in plates, bowls, or both. It accommodates everything from crispy fries for your plate, and savory soups for your bowl.


Both plates and bowls have their unique strengths and have shaped the way we consume our food. Whether it is a simple plate or a comforting bowl, the choice is led by the occasion, the culture, the meal, and our personal preference. Regardless, the perfect partner for both, may well be the affordable and innovative air fryer – a modern marvel to compliment the age-old dining vessels, plates and bowls.